Periodontal Disease

What is Periodontal Disease?

Periodontal Disease refers to an infection and inflammation of the gingiva and bone that surrounds your teeth. Periodontal disease is treatable and manageable through more frequent cleanings and sometimes requires procedures to encourage bone growth and gum re-attachment.

Symptoms of Periodontal Disease:

Inflamed gums, redness, bad breath or bad taste, loose teeth, and painful chewing. You can have a few teeth with Periodontal Pockets (depths of 4mm or greater around teeth) that are due to wisdom tooth extractions or grinding of teeth that are not considered to be Periodontal Disease and are manageable by keeping debris out of these pockets with your regular cleanings.

Dr. Andrew Dunavant is the only Dentist in Orange Beach and Gulf Shores that diagnoses and treats Periodontal Disease

If you have concerns that you may have Periodontal Disease or you have a long history of Periodontal Disease, call and schedule a consultation today!