Emergency Dental Treatment

Toothaches, Cracked or Chipped Teeth, Lost Filling or Crown.

Call Comprehensive Dentistry of Orange Beach for Possible Same-Day Treatment

What is Your Dental Emergency?

  • Tooth pain comes and goes as it pleases. Until you can get an appointment with a Dentist, the combination of 1 Extra Strength Tylenol, 800mg of Ibuprofen, and a caffeine equivalent to 1 cup of coffee provides the pain relief of 5mg of Hydrocodone without the opiate

    Do not ignore your tooth pain. Severe infections, bone loss, and abscess can develop within a matter of weeks within and around an infected tooth.

  • Cracked and chipped teeth are extremely vulnerable to decay. It is best to repair cracks and chips before they become a root canal or even unrestorable.

  • When a Crown comes off, it is imperative to have it rebonded/recemented immediately. The longer you wait, the less likely that Crown will be usable.

    Lost Fillings leave a tooth vulnerable to decay and cracking. Not to mention the sensitivity of cold and hot but also just breathing air onto it. We recommend repairing lost fillings asap.